Devotional for Friday, February 8, 2019
“Freedom From Anxiety!”

“Fear not, do not look anxiously about you for I AM your God…”
Isaiah 41:10 KJV
Looking anxiously about gives implication of fear, panic or uneasiness in one’s heart and soul. Anxiety can be such a tormenting thing to our soul, and our Lord desires that when we are tempted to be anxious about anything to turn our backs on anxious thoughts and look upon Him. It is good to know that our loving Heavenly Father is there for us in those times to lift us up and hold us closely. He is the One that can calm our anxious thoughts. He will sit us on the solid rock where we will not be moved and He is able to keep us.
So here is a little memory of mine of an experience I had with my parrot one day. It is a great little story and analogy to help you see our God coming to our rescue when we are in trouble. My parrot was roaming about on the outside of her cage. I permit her to do this at times, I have to watch her closely. She loves to explore and that can get her in trouble. She usually is very happy just to sit on top of her “little world” and watch me and my husband. One day she decided she was going to try to get on the pie safe which is about six inches from her cage. I happened to be watching her, and I was curious what she was going to do. As she went to carefully go from her cage to the piece of furniture she slipped on the slippery finish of the wood and began to panic, squawk loudly, and flutter her wings really fast, and she landed on the floor. I calmly walked over to her and spoke softly and put my hand under her so she could rest in the palm of my hand and feel safe again. She was so sweet as she looked at me with such a sense of safety and relief. After I felt she calmed down, I put her back on her cage.
This reminded me how sometimes we can get ourselves in trouble and we lose our “footing.” You know…those times when we get a little over confident and get into our own ability, and from there we get ourselves in trouble. There are also those times that we are stepping out on faith and we realize we are really out on the “limb” and it can cause fear to grip our heart. In this life there are many opportunities to panic, get in anxiety, and be fearful.
Isn’t it good to know that our loving Heavenly Father is right there ready to hold out His mighty right hand to calm us, and His loving voice speaks to our heart and we feel safe again.
Psalm 91:4 (TheVoice) “Like a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers, will protect you under His great wings; His faithfulness will form a shield around you, a rock-solid wall to protect you.”
I pray that you will see Him today as the One that is always nearby you and only an arm’s reach away to rescue you in your time of need or trouble. Only He can calm your heart when you are in anxiety and fear. We serve a loving and caring God. He is so good. I pray you will have a day that is prosperous and blessed!
I pray that you will see Him today as the One that is always nearby you and only an arm’s reach away to rescue you in your time of need or trouble. Only He can calm your heart when you are in anxiety and fear. We serve a loving and caring God. He is so good. I pray you will have a day that is prosperous and blessed!