Devotional for Friday, March 30, 2018
“I Will Rest In God Alone”

by Dona Hake
“Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him,”
Psalm 62:5 HCSB
Psalm 62:5 HCSB
God’s desire is for us to stay in the place of rest that He has provided for us for it is there that we are able to live refreshed and drawing upon Him. It is there that our hearts, minds and bodies are living as He created us to live. It is there that there is strength and peace beyond any comprehension exists.
Sometimes it is human tendency to push our minds and bodies beyond the boundaries that God created for us. Worry is an example. The Lord did not create for us to carry cares, and keep our minds in a preoccupied state of worry. It is God’s plan and desire for us to live on this earth drawing upon His grace and strength as we purpose to do His will. In those times we realize we have stepped into our own ability, let us return to His rest that He desires for us.
I encourage your heart to live in that place that provides abundant relief and freedom from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs our soul. Let us abide under the shadow of His wings. It is as we rest in this place that we really do experience the power of His restoring strength to our soul! Rest in God alone for this is our hope.