by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you about God’s Word being our shield. Today we will look at His Word being our daily bread. God Word is all that we need to feed upon, and within His Word is all that we need to stay strong. The Word of God tells us that if we seek we will find. Our loving God loves when we seek Him. Even though He knows EXACTLY what we need, He desires that our hearts exhibit our need of asking Him. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and one of the things to ask for was daily bread. Let us look at two translations that I felt were excellent.
Matthew 6:11 (DRA)
“Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.”
“Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.”
Matthew 6:11 (VOICE)
” Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—”
” Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—”
The Lord knows our needs before we are even aware of them. He also knows the areas in our hearts that are weak and needy. His Word, His voice, and His grace are there for us to draw upon for each day that we live. It can be so tempting to concern ourselves with things that we do not yet have to deal with. When we believe that He is faithful to give us exactly what we need, our hearts and minds will be at peace, and we will live in true contentment. Oh how I love the scripture in Psalm 23, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures…”
Today I encourage you to meditate upon the fact that God is faithful to give us the “bread” we need to get us through one day at a time. That bread promises to sustain us, and keep us nourished in our spirits. Remember though all that He showered upon you today was for this day, and tomorrow is a new day. Each day meets us with new challenges, and needs. Let us draw upon Him each day, and believe that His hand is willing to touch every area of our lives.