by Dona Hake
2 Corinthians 9:8 (HCSB)
“And God is able to make every grace overflow
to you, so that in every way, always having
everything you need, you may excel in every good work.”
This scripture just really blesses me. I love meditating on the fact that God is desiring to shower us with His all sufficient grace as we set out to do His will. I want to share three words that may help you in your meditations about grace. Desire, draw and demonstrate.
Let us DESIRE to be living examples of excellence in all we put our hands to, and may we always recognize that we need His grace to do anything in this life. Let us pray each day in faith and DRAW upon that grace which is sufficient for all that we need and do. It is as we do this that we will DEMONSTRATE that He is the God that is more than enough.
I thank God today that I am what I am by the grace of God. I want to encourage your heart to look to Him with great expectations of the work of grace in your life. May our hope be in knowing that as His grace overflows to us that we will have all that we need that we can excel in every good work He has assigned to us!
Ephesians 1:2 (Amplified)
May grace (God’s unmerited favor) and spiritual peace [which means peace with God and harmony, unity, and undisturbedness] be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.