Psalm 139:1-6
“Lord, you have examined me.
You know me.
You know when I sit down and when I stand up.
Even from far away, you comprehend my plans.
You study my traveling and resting.
You are thoroughly familiar with all my ways.
There isn’t a word on my tongue, Lord,
that you don’t already know completely.
You surround me—front and back.
You put your hand on me.
That kind of knowledge is too much for me;
it’s so high above me that I can’t fathom it.”
Let us ponder how awesome it is that the Lord knows each of us inside and out. Oh I love how the Psalmist says, “You are thoroughly familiar with all my ways.” He knows exactly what makes us tick. He understands our emotions and our fears. He knows every thought that runs through our minds and before we speak a word, He already knows what it is going to be.
This strikes me as so amazing and it makes me even more aware of how much I need to reverence Him in every aspect of my life. You see, He not only looks at our heart, but He sees what is there that is good and those things that should not be occupying our hearts. He sees things no one else sees. Let us also embrace this thought when we are being tempted to be critical of others. Many times people may be walking through something that you do not know of. It is a good rule to be praying for people rather than trying to figure them out. God knows and sees their hearts as well, and He is well able to deal with them. Let us keep our eyes on Him and our own hearts.
“God does not see as humans see.
Humans look at outward appearances,
but the Lord looks into the heart.”
2 Samuel 16:7
As we walk closely beside Him and stay in close fellowship we can be sure that He will speak to us about things that we did not even know are going on inside of us. Awesome thought isn’t it? The God that so lovingly created you understands it all. In those times that you feel you are not being understood, know this…the God of Heaven and Earth understands you.