by Dona Hake
Lamentations 3:22-25 The Voice
“How enduring is God’s loyal love;
the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion.
Here they are, every morning, new!
Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day.
Have courage, for the Eternal is all that I will need.
My soul boasts, “Hope in God; just wait.”
It is good. The Eternal One is good to those who expect Him,
to those who seek Him wholeheartedly.”
“How enduring is God’s loyal love;
the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion.
Here they are, every morning, new!
Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day.
Have courage, for the Eternal is all that I will need.
My soul boasts, “Hope in God; just wait.”
It is good. The Eternal One is good to those who expect Him,
to those who seek Him wholeheartedly.”
I love this scripture especially when the writer says, “Here they are, every morning, new! Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day. Have courage…” Such an awesome meditation to start our day with. Our God is the God of compassion and that compassion never fails. Let us remind ourselves of this fact whether our day is good or not going so well.
Sometimes our days may go wonderfully, yet we well know that some days just seem to be harder, but we understand that it in this world there will be trials. Thank God for those blessed days for we all need times where we can just lay down in the green pastures, and enjoy the rest He brings to our souls. But there may be those days that we awaken with the troubles of yesterday on our mind. Many days we can be haunted with thinking about mistakes even though we have sought His forgiveness. It is truly a blessing to partake of His loving forgiveness yet we need to learn to forgive ourselves. As we meditate upon His compassion for us, we will learn and grow in that same love. May we remember that our hope is in God, and we need to wait, and continue to seek Him with our whole heart.
Today I encourage you to ponder the scripture I have shared with you in Lamentations. No matter how exhausted, weary, or guilty you feel, God’s compassion is inexhaustible. Know that His faithfulness is as long and broad as the day. When He forgives, it is removed from us as far as the east is to the
west! I want to continue to remind you that there will be those days in which you face a test or trial that you never saw coming. Jesus said we would have those days, and we are not to let our hearts to be troubled.
west! I want to continue to remind you that there will be those days in which you face a test or trial that you never saw coming. Jesus said we would have those days, and we are not to let our hearts to be troubled.
Everyday we need to make time to invest in building our faith by renewing our mind with His Word. Pray and spend time conversing with Him throughout your day. Today set your heart to expect of Him and trust Him wholeheartedly. God is good! Praise God that His mercies are new every morning; great and abundant is His stability and faithfulness.