by Dona Hake
Yesterday when I created the devotional I honestly was so tired I could not even get my thoughts together. The evening before I was so exhausted. I went to leave our German Shepherd, Aasha out in the backyard and lo and behold all her keen senses kicked in and she was on pursuit of something she should have left alone. She dove head first into some bushes on our property and I heard her do a weird sound. I was holding my breath hoping she did not catch a rabbit. She ran toward me and sure enough she smelled like a skunk. I mean she SMELLED like a skunk.
My husband and I moved quickly and I created a solution and applied it and also used a skunk odor remover on her. At the end of the day our puppy smelled okay but our house still has the smell of skunk. It is a constant reminder of the whole ordeal. None of us slept real well so my thoughts were scattered as I tried to create yesterday’s devotional.
We all will face those days in which there are demands on our “plate” and it seems as if the strength or inspiration that we need is not there. In the midst of my being tired and lacking focus, God was faithful to minister to me in a fresh way. I began to read this scripture from Psalm 37:7
“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him…”
Did you ever read a scripture over and over and all of a sudden you read it on a different day as you face a different situation and God has met your spirit with a fresh touch like you have never experienced. This caused me to meditate on how God meets us each day with the “daily bread” that we need. I realized that in my being tired and a bit weary that I needed to stop and just lean against Him and receive His strength. He is our Shepherd and even in the midst of exhaustion and need, WE SHALL NOT WANT! I began to ponder the scripture from Hebrews 4:12 (ERV)
“God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all the way into us. It cuts deep to the place where the soul and the spirit are joined. God’s word cuts to the center of our joints and our bones. It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.”
Today I encourage you to allow Him to meet you with the “fresh bread” of His Word as you read it. His Word is fresh and alive! Whatever it is that you need He is well able to minister to you. His Word is able to cut deep into our souls and help us judge our thoughts and feelings. Today, even in the midst of exhaustion I was able to see my God in a deeper way. I hope you can do the same!