by Dona Hake
Proverbs 24:16 (ERV)
“Good people might fall again and again, but they always get up.”
There will be times that we are weak, weary, and there are times in which are choices that set us back. Praise God for those times that even when we are at our worse, He promises to lift us back up. As we reach for His strength in our time of weakness He promises to meet us where we are at, and stand us back up on our feet again. As we seek to serve Him humbly, He promises to help us.
This life brings obstacles and difficulties that can stand in our way in the good fight of faith, IF we permit them to. I am going to say it again, things can stand in our way IF we permit them to. Along with difficulties and trials, we can become worn down in our hearts and minds. Many times during trials we can be tempted to focus so much on the problem that our thoughts become saturated with them. Let us meditate on the truth that God has commanded us to be diligent to guard our hearts and minds with His Word. He well knows the fight that we have before us, and He is well able to equip us to fight it!
I want to encourage you today as you run the good race, and set out to serve Him. Be diligent to do all that He requires of you and do it with all of your heart. God is looking for a people that are willing to give their all, He is not looking that we do everything perfectly for He knows we are human and that is impossible. He is looking for the pure and diligent heart that seeks to obey Him.