by Dona Hake
“Yesterday is gone,
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin.”
Mother Theresa
I love how each day of our life is as a fresh canvas. Our words, decisions, actions, etc…are what speak of our lives each day. As we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, we can awake each morning knowing that it is indeed a new day. On this new day we can start with fresh vision, and with His help and guidance we can release our faith that it is going to be a good day! The beautiful quote by Mother Theresa is simple yet profound. What happened yesterday is done. Think about your yesterday…was it good? or was it a bad one? Maybe it was just another day. No matter what kind of day it was…if it was good, praise God! If it was not, may I encourage your heart that maybe you can learn from what happened in your day. God can take our bad experiences, and turn them into stepping stones that enhance our wisdom and understanding. No matter what, let us be grateful for His tender mercies that He brings to us each day. So we are blessed to wake up to this new day…let us begin!!!
I am so thankful for God’s mercy toward me. It reminds me to be mindful about how I need to always be merciful to others as well. It is so easy at times to fall short of patience and mercy with those around us especially those we are closest to. After all, there is always the tempting thought that they love you so much that they will just put up with you no matter what. Let us desire to be reminded to be merciful to everyone around us just as our Lord is so faithfully merciful to us.
Matthew 5:7 (ERV)
“Great blessings belong to those who show mercy to others.
Mercy will be given to them.”
When those around us fall short of what we expect, let’s remind ourselves to show mercy to them. Maybe they are dealing with stress that you are not aware of, and it is causing them to behave in a wrong way. It is in those times that wrong words are spoken and wrong actions may be exhibited that I am reminded of the one verse in 1 Corinthians 13 that says “Love believes the best…” Today, I encourage you to ponder the fruit of a heart that is merciful. Be merciful for great blessings belong to those that show mercy.