by Dona Hake
Psalm 147:3-5 (TLB)
“He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds.
He counts the stars and calls them all by name.
How great he is! His power is absolute!
His understanding is unlimited.”
I love these verses and I love thinking about how our loving God knows every detail about everything. One by one He created each star and caused it to shine in the evening skies. To think of how great and mighty God is should encourage our hearts to remember that the same God that placed stars in the sky one by one also created me and you! One by one He formed each of us in our mother’s womb, and He knows every day of our life from beginning to end. How amazing is our God? Oh that we would turn to Him when our hearts are broken and hurt that we would receive His healing touch, and restoration.
The same hands that formed the stars and hung them in the skies promises to touch your heart if it has been hurt and broken. Those hands are well able to bind up your wounds and bring restoration to your life. He is great and His power is absolute!
Lord, remind us today of your greatness! Let us ponder how unfathomable Your love and Your works are. You created the heavens and the earth, how much more we should believe that You can take care of every little detail of our lives as we live here on this earth. For those of us with hurting and broken hurts, we thank You that you are able to heal and restore. Cause us to hear Your lovingkindness each and everyday as we awaken, for we know that we are to fully trust in You and only You. Thank You for giving us sufficient grace to live and do Your will. We trust You today to work in our lives!