by Dona Hake
The image you see today is one that I photographed on a cold, snowy winter night a few years ago. I love the challenge of shooting in darkness with my very special low light lens. I love the beauty of how natural the image looks. I received this lantern as a gift, and I can remember visualizing on some snowy evening that I would light it and photograph it. This image inspires me to think about how God’s Word is a light to me in those night seasons of my life. He has promised to illuminate my path no matter how dark it seems, and I praise the Living God that He always keeps His Word!
This is the time of the year where we all hear everyone exclaim how the days just go by so fast and darkness is approaching us earlier and earlier each day. What we can all relate to though is that there are “night seasons” in our lives that come without warning, and they bring darkness or they cause you uncertainty. Jesus said that in this world we would experience trials and tribulation, but our hearts are not to be troubled by this. We can rejoice that as we hold the Word of life and light, we need not fear any dark times. In Psalm 23:4 in the Good News Translation we can read what David exclaimed about valleys that were dark and how our precious Shepherd would lead us.
“Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.”
As we hold the light of God’s Word and instruction before us, even the darkest of times can be illuminated with understanding and direction. Rather than focusing on the darkness let us focus on the light we have to break through the darkness. As we can see ahead, we also see victory in the midst of the battle. Winning the battles we face all begins as we are infused with His strength, direction and courage to go forward.
2 Samuel 22:29 (MSG)
” Suddenly, God, your light floods my path,
God drives out the darkness.
I smash the bands of marauders, .
I vault the high fences.
What a God! His road
stretches straight and smooth.
Every God-direction is road-tested.
Everyone who runs toward him”
I love the part of the verse that says that every God-direction is road-tested! As we trust in Him, we can be assured that His light going before us will always illuminate our path.