by Dona Hake
I do not know about you but in this day and age it seems that things we buy just do not last as long as they used to. With almost everything you buy there is usually a one year warranty , and that is great, but I always hope upon a purchase that the product will serve me long and efficiently. Recently, I loaded my dishwasher to find after it went through all it’s cycles that something went wrong. There was water all over my floor. I was able to get something out of the bottom of the washer that could have been clogging it, so I assumed that was the problem. It worked fine…for about two weeks. Two weeks after the warranty expired, it broke down completely. I could not believe it, and when I heard how much it would cost just for them to walk through the door, it just did not seem right. I was kicking myself for not calling right away. I was blessed as I worked with the company for I received favor from them, and they extended my warranty, and came to our home, and fixed it completely free.
With this warranty thing fresh on my mind, the Lord used it as a meditation for me for this devotional. The other day as I was walking in my yard, listening to scriptures on my iPhone I heard this scripture, and it encouraged me to think about this more often. This scripture comes from one of my favorite chapters in the Psalms.
Psalm 119:151-153 (NIV)
Yet you are near, Lord,
and all your commands are true.
Long ago I learned from your statutes
that you established them to last forever.”
Isn’t it good to know that we serve a living God, and all of His Word and commands hold true, and He established them to last forever. No warranty with a time in which His Word ends, but rather there is no end, and He promises that His Word will be faithful and work for us under the most stressful things this life can bring. Nothing is too hard for our Lord!
Today I encourage you to look at the temporal things around you, and let them remind you that they may be a blessing, but they do not last forever nor can we take any of it with us. Things come and things go. They serve us to be a blessing and may help lighten the load, but they will never ever outlast our eternal inheritance. Let our love and affections be on our Lord and His Word. All that He is and ever was will never change, and He established everything concerning His kingdom to last forever!!!