by Dona Hake
Jesus knows the condition of your heart like no one else. He knows your hurts, He knows how it beats inconsistently for Him at times, and He well knows that there are times your heart is not strong. He sees the pain of your heart, and He understands why your heart may be scared from past experiences. He well understands your heart’s history, and He is the best Physician you will ever meet up with!
This devotional came from words that inspired me in one of my husband’s sermons a few years ago. He shared how Jesus stands at the door of our hearts. He is a gentleman and He will not push Himself on us. He is not trying to sell anything, He is trying to just give all that He is to you. I began to think about the famous painting of Jesus standing at the door and knocking. As a little girl that painting always struck me as mysterious for some reason. Most of the paintings of this particular image of Jesus at the door shows one very significant thing missing and that is the door knob.
He stands gently at the door of every man’s heart and as He knocks He knows if you are there or not. He knows what is inside. Patiently He knocks and if no one answers, patiently He waits and listens. You see if there were a door knob He would be able to turn it and just walk in. From the beginning He created us with a choice and that is to choose right from wrong. He will not push,and He will not shove Himself upon us.
The portrait of Jesus standing at the door depicts His desire to be in fellowship with every man,woman, and child. He desires to shed all of His great mercies in the direction of anyone who wants Him. He desires to wash away all sin and forget it all. Allow Him to come in, be your best Friend and fellowship with you every moment that you can. He desires to examine your heart and speak to you in a special way. God is a God of all good things and He desires to open the windows of Heaven and just pour it in your direction. Blessings to you this day!