Do you desire for God’s peace to overtake, flood, permeate, and rule your heart? I love these words, overtake, flood, permeate and rule when I think of His peace. Let us think for a moment of the times in which confusion and/or stress are the ones that are bombarding your soul. As they flood and rule your thought realm it can seem impossible to rise above their force. BUT…with God all things are possible. With God’s peace we are able to rise above any negative thing that is trying to pull us down. Today we will meditate upon God’s peace ruling our soul and thought realm.
Colossians 3:15-Amplified version
“And let the peace soul harmony which comes from Christ
rule act as umpire continually in your hearts deciding
and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds,
in that peaceful state to which as members of Christ’s
In this scripture Paul spoke of Christ’s peace being like an umpire or referee in our hearts. His peace will settle all unrest and arguments that go on in our minds. Our hearts and minds are the center of all conflict because this is where our feelings and desires clash, our hopes and fears meet , jealousy battles with love, etc… Ask Him to help you listen to that umpire of your heart. He will instruct you in a way that peace will rule and reign no matter what. It is God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Jesus indeed gives us peace that the world cannot give. Blessings to you this day!