by Dona Hake
Eleven little preschoolers and they all seemed to arrive at church with an extra dose of energy and I am planning to bring them a teaching about being still before God. It was almost funny to me standing in front of them because I love how God is faithful to help me grab and keep their attention frozen on me for a few minutes. In that few minutes it is my heart to nail them with a truth that will help guide their little heart.
“Okay, everyone, look at me, look me straight in the eyes…at the count of three I want all of you to sing as loud as you can. You sing what ever you want to sing. If you don’t know a song then you just sing la la la!!!” Their eyes were fixed on me as I did the count down and boy were they loud! “Okay, now stop, everyone stop and be as quiet as you can!” They immediately obeyed and were still. It amazed me how this little moment of fun pulled them into total receptivity to receive a truth about being still that they can hear God and their hearts.
I proceeded to share with them that it would have been impossible for them to hear me say anything when they were singing loudly but when they got quiet they could hear me plain and clear. I told them many times our heart is trying to speak and tell us the right thing to do, but our minds are so loud we cannot hear. “Our minds are so busy thinking about what we are going to play, what we are going to say, where we are going to go.” They totally connected and understood where I was going.
The visual I gave them was a stoplight. I focused much on the red light. As each child sat and listened I asked them, “How many times have you felt your heart tell you to stop?? You know, times you are going to say or do something bad and your heart is trying to stop you.” I have to say at that split second their little eyes were preciously fixed upon me. They understood all too well that they all had experienced their hearts acting as “stop signs, and trying to keep them out of trouble.
Can I tell you how many times I have shared with the little children in my church and God is ministering to my heart as well in great doses? I walked away from my own teaching being reminded that as I am faithful to study God’s Word , and keep my heart quiet that I will sense the “stop signs” that the Lord is warning me with. He will also be able to prompt me to go forward with His divine “green lights” as well. Today, I am reminded to keep my heart toward Him and remain with a heart of child likeness. Let us be still and know that He is God in every area of our life.