by Dona Hake
“But still, You long to enthrone truth throughout my being;
in unseen places deep within me, You show me wisdom.”
Psalm 51:6 (The Voice)
I can remember many years ago reading a book by Watchman Nee, and I will never forget a statement he made. He shared that there are virgin caverns within your soul that God has not yet touched with His light. He was likening the caverns of our soul as veins in which God’s light and life are flowing. The virgin caverns are those that have not yet been discovered by the light of His truth.
These words could serve us with some real enlightenment regarding the truth that is within us. Every time I think about this statement it reminds me that there is truth that I still need deeper understanding of and there is truth that God has not yet touched my soul with yet. Lord, help me to remain humble that I may receive ALL that you desire for me to know regarding your truth!
God desires that we cry out for the wisdom and truth that the unseen places of our soul have not yet experienced. He desires that the truth we know of to have a place in our heart that is protected and honored. In Psalms 51:6 the psalmist is saying,
“But still, You long to enthrone truth throughout my being…”
Let us be reminded that the truth that we know should be guarded and NOT compromised by what we feel or do not feel like doing. Truth must reign above our feelings, emotions, and it is not moved by what is going on around us. Let us ask Him today for His wisdom on how to keep the truth we have embraced enthroned within us.