by Dona Hake
I was able to photograph this image this past week on an extremely foggy morning. I thought this would be a perfect image for a photography group that I am a part of. Each day we are given an assigned prompt that we are to shoot and I felt this would be a perfect shot for it. I shared this image on Facebook and I was really inspired to share a message with you today after I read a comment left beneath this image. My good friend commented on this image with the following inspiring words:
“Kept thinking this is life. Sometimes we get foggy vision.
We can’t really see the path or end. Thank God –
we have a merciful father whose path is true.”
This is so true isn’t it? Even when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are on God’s path, sometimes things can get foggy, and hard to see. I know when I was driving in the fog the other morning I was exercising extreme caution because visibility was terrible, yet I knew where I was going, and I knew I would eventually get there. Along the way, I saw a bad accident, and again it reminded me to be extra careful. Let us be reminded in times when things seem to be uncertain to proceed with caution and trust the Lord in those times that things seem to fog our vision.
Psalm 17:5
“Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.”
Lord, help us to remember that as we stay on your path, that it is true because you are all truth. We thank You that you are well able to keep our feet from slipping. You have promised to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Remind us to hold Your hand tightly in times of uncertainty and feeling we are lacking direction. It is you that is able to give all the direction that we need to walk securely in the path you have appointed to us, and we trust You to keep us safe and our footing sure.