by Dona Hake
I am sure that you can think of times in your life that your gave and gave of yourself because you knew it was what God had instructed you to do. In your obedience you experienced strength from above, and it seemed to carry you as gave your best efforts. There may also be times that a weariness may have set in on your heart and mind and ultimately your body grew tired and your mind became weary. In times like these we may question whether we should even be giving of ourselves, and it can be frustrating. Whenever we give of ourselves we must be sensitive to when the Lord is telling us that we have completed our part of the task and it is time for someone else to step in. Whatever we put our hand to is a blessing and a very special part of the whole plan of God. Let us never underestimate our obedience, for God will bless our efforts that we are assigned to and use it for His purposes.
1 Corinthians 3:6-7
“I planted the seed, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. So neither the planter nor the waterer is anything, only God who makes things grow .”
Now let us look at times when weariness began to become a part of the equation if we did not exercise patience and keep persevering. Godly patience and perseverance can have an awesome effect on our heart and mind. It will cause us to rise up and press in with fresh and renewed strength. It will bring determination to our heart, and the obstacles that serve to cause weariness will lose their strength and ability to cause weariness. I loved this quote and it fits well with what I am sharing.
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect
before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
John Quincy Adams
God has called us to be overcomers, and we must remind ourselves that if He called us to a task, He will equip us to do it. We must make the decision that weariness will not rob us from doing the good thing He has asked us to do. If we just persist, our work will bear great fruit for His kingdom. Praise Him for that great harvest He is working through us as we patiently persevere in Him !
Galatians 6:9 (VOICE)
“May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in
His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist.”
“May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in
His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist.”