by Dona Hake
Little children are a constant reminder to me of honesty, and their desire to please. The Lord desires that our faith be as a child. He loves when we run to Him with our concerns and every big or small detail of our lives. As I teach the preschoolers at church I cannot tell you how many times one of the children will run to me and show me their latest bump or boo-boo. Sometimes their boo-boo is so small I cannot see it, but believe me I try to show them that it matters! Why?….because if it is important enough for them to bring it up, I want to pay attention…and our Lord loves when we turn to Him with the smallest of our worries and problems we are facing, and believe me He is paying attention to us!
Luke 18:17 (ERV)
” The truth is, you must accept God’s kingdom
like a little child accepts things…”
Throughout your day take time to whisper prayers to Him about those things that concern you. May we seek to have the heart of the child that gets excited over the simple things as well. Never stop expressing praise and gratitude for the beauty and fun things God has created for us to enjoy. As you remember His works and they thrill your heart, share your heart and tell Him. He wants to hear about everything that is going on in your heart and mind for He truly cares about every detail of your life!
“Any concern too small to be turned into a
prayer is too small to be made into a burden. ..
Corrie ten Boom