Devotional for Monday, April 24, 2017
“His Thoughts About Us Cannot Be Numbered”

by Dona Hake
Yesterday I sat in front of my pre-school class at church, and purposed to bring one truth to them, and that was God created so many wonderful things. My teaching to them was based on Psalm 89:11 and I will share it with you from the Easy to Read Version…
“Everything in heaven and earth belongs to you.
You made the world and everything in it.”
At one point we talked about how God was so magnificent. I began to focus on He made so many sea creatures and the big beautiful sea. One by one the little ones were naming off the great sea creatures that they wanted to talk about. Then I began to share with them about how God just knew how to make boundaries around the ocean. I ask them, “What is right beside the sea?” “It’s the sand!!!!”, they anxiously responded. Immediately God began to minister to my heart about how counting the grains of sand is impossible, , and how God’s thoughts and plans for me would also be impossible to count. In the midst of the excitement of little ones talking about how they like to play in the sand my heart quietly went in a different direction in my thoughts and in my heart.
Psalm 139:17-18
“Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me,
O God! I cherish each and every one of them!
How grand in scope! How many in number!
If I could count each one of them, they would be more than all
the grains of sand on earth. Their number is inconceivable!”
The God of heaven and earth also knows each one of us down to the smallest of details. He observes our coming and our going, He watches over us as we sleep and He is there when we rise in the morning. He knows what we are going to say long before we say it because He knows our every thought. What an amazing feeling we should all have knowing how deeply He loves us and knows us inside and out. It really is beyond comprehension!
As I read this Psalm and think about the sands of the ocean it causes me to realize that I really cannot fathom how many thoughts the God of heaven has thought about me. In saying that it reminds me as well that His thoughts are different than mine because He sees us through His pure love, and His thoughts and ways will always be higher than how my mind thinks.
Isaiah 55:9 (ASV)
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
He sees our future through His eyes and He desires that our faith rest in Him. I am thankful that I serve such a loving God that loves me so much!