Devotional for Monday, December 17, 2018
“Favor Like a Shield”

“Because you, Lord, bless the righteous.
You cover them with favor like a shield.”
Psalm 5:12 – CEB
Psalm 5:12 – CEB
He covers us with His favor as a shield! Another translation said His favor is as a canopy. I love that! Let us look at the word shield defined in light of the scripture.
“A broad piece of armor, varying widely in
“A broad piece of armor, varying widely in
form and size, carried apart from the body,
usually on the left arm, as a defense
against swords, lances, arrows”
Today I encourage you to think about times that you have seen the favor of God in your life. I can remember once hearing a Bible teacher share that many times God’s favor was exhibited in ways we may not always understand. This makes me think of the scripture that plainly states that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. This teacher proceeded to share of a time in which he was in a hurry, and he felt the Lord was leading him to take a different route. This route actually was going to make him late. While he tried to reason it away he remained obedient. He found out the route he was going to take had a very bad car accident in the very moments he would have been on that road…it caused him to think that he could have very well been affected by that accident. He then said, “This was God’s favor!” His favor is our defense in ways that we may never understand. As we pray for God’s favor we can expect Him to sometimes interrupt our plans, and keep us out of trouble and inconveniences that would waste our time or spare our life from danger.
Let us daily praise Him and acknowledge His favor in order that we may see His hand at work in ways we may never understand. It is your shield and He promises to cover you as you walk in His paths of righteousness for His Name sake.
” Lord, you bless those who do what is right. You protect them like a soldier’s shield.” Psalm 5:12 International Children’s Bible