Devotional for Monday, February 18, 2019
“If We Hold Grudges”

by Dona Hake
“When you hold grudges your hands
are not free to catch blessings“
A grudge is a feeling of ill will or resentment. It is a result of not wanting to forgive even the smallest of an offense. It is so sad when I hear someone that refuses to forgive and let go of hurt and offense. It it is extremely sad when it comes out of the mouth of a believer. When we refuse to let go of hurt and pain that someone has done to us we are tying a ball and chain around us in spirit . This will only serve to hinder our walk with the Lord and slow us down in the race that is set before us.
God has made provision through the blood of His Son to forgive our sins. Therefore, we in turn can give that same forgiveness from our hearts to another. I encourage anyone that may be holding a grudge to ask God to be your Helper. First, be obedient and simply forgive. Then, ask God to help heal your heart and mind of the hurt that you are experiencing. I promise He will help you, and your heart and mind will be free again to open your hands and catch the blessings!