Posted on Jan 20, 2020 in Devotions |
Today I am pondering the importance of doing all things BIG or SMALL as onto Him and for His glory. Our Lord has provided so many wonderful things to assess as believers. He desires to be our Shepherd and walk down every path of our life whether it be straight, crooked, peaceful, or those paths that bring fear to our hearts. Yesterday as I was meditating and praying I spoke words of thanks to the Lord for His grace. My words went something like this as best I can recall… “Thank you Lord for this day, and as I walk through it I thank you for Your grace that is there for me. It is able to cover every thing I walk through this day no matter what it is. Your grace is always sufficient to meet the need of the moment that I am in!”
Today I want to encourage your heart to walk in who He has made you to be. We were saved by His beautiful grace, may we purpose to live by it. Each day brings our very own assignment to live, love and serve Him with all of our hearts. Draw upon the grace that He has just for you. There is a unique strength and grace that He has designed to strengthen you in the work of your hands that He has called you to do. Sometimes one may be tempted focus on what others are doing for Him, and compare themselves to that. May we thank God for the work of the Lord in the lives of others but stay focused on His desires for us as individuals. Let us look to Him today, and draw upon that beautiful strengthening grace that He has just for you! His grace is sufficient for you…now go expecting to see it flow through you in new and unexpected ways!