Monday, November 13, 2017



Devotional for Monday, November 13, 2017
“The Lord Our Shepherd”


by Dona Hake
Psalm 23:1. Amplified version
“The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide
and to shield me], I shall not want.”
We serve a faithful Shepherd. He walks beside us, He walks before us.  He tends, guards, and watches over us carefully. To me, this is a precious meditation that we should how dear to our hearts. We can never think about this and ponder it enough.   In this day and age, we are presented with so many things, and   if we are not careful we can become discontent with what we have in our life. These things  can  easily become distractions, and  take our focus off of what is really important. Just because we want something does not mean we need it  nor  should we feel that we are entitled to have  to have it.
 As I am composing these thoughts for you to meditate upon  I  am thinking about my need for His love to empower me and rule in my heart.  Oh how I need His grace and strength to sustain my heart in those times I feel I cannot do something.    My heart is so thankful for His  wisdom that comes from above to help me in decision-making throughout my day.I thank  Him for His provision of forgiveness in those times I’m needing to overlook things, release hurts and offenses, and simply let them go.    I praise Him for His  peace that passes my comprehension, and sustains my heart in times of trouble.   I encourage you now to think about what you really need to get through your day.  
 As we focus on heavenly things He will take care of all those things in this earthly realm that we have need of.   Let us praise Him today for  His faithfulness…He promises that we will never lack in any good thing.   As children of the Living God, may this be our confession that the Lord is our Shepherd… WE SHALL NOT WANT for He is faithful to supply all of our needs.  Let us not dwell on what we do not have but rather that we need to look to Him  to take care everything in our life for He is our faithful God.