Devotional for Monday, October 16, 2017
“It Is Following You…”

by Dona Hake
God is good all the time and all the time God is good… A wonderful thing that I hear people say often! But what about the times that the circumstances around us are not so good? Do we stop in those times and exclaim that our Lord is good no matter what things look like around us? Do we exclaim Him as good when our heart is troubled, and our plans are not turning out as we thought they would?
One morning I was having my coffee, and I was watching the news. They were interviewing a couple that was returning to their home in Texas after the severe floods that resulted from the hurricane. This woman was entering her home for the first time or should I say the remains of her home. She stood before what she once called home, and a reporter ask her, “What would you tell us is your first thoughts as you stand here?” As she welled up in tears she said, “God is good all the time even when things are bad… set your priorities and hold loosely to your earthly possessions.” Her words touched my heart and ministered to me deeply.
We take so much for granted, and we can never assume things are always going to be the same. One thing we can always take to the bank, and that is God is always the same, and God is always good. Today I encourage you to meditate on the truth that God‘s goodness and mercy follows you everywhere you go all the days of your life. Let us do as this woman suggested, and hold loosely to your earthly possessions. Let us set our eyes on the things that are above, grow more in love with Jesus each day, and walk closely beside Him just as He has promised to walk beside you. So if you ever feel like you are being followed…you are! Look behind you…it IS His goodness and mercy!