Devotional for Monday, September 25, 2017
“It Is Through Him…”

by Dona Hake
I can remember a few years ago our youngest Granddaughter wanting to help me take our German Shepherd out in the backyard so she could run and play ball. Since it was bitter cold she needed to put some gloves on to throw ball for Aasha. I stood by her and gave her the opportunity to try and put the gloves on herself. You can only imagine what I saw…first, two little fingers were shoved into one finger of the glove, and she ended up looking up at me with a frustrated look exclaiming, “Grandma…this is so complicated!” We laughed together as we looked at the glove on her little hand for one of the fingers of the glove was motionless because there was no finger in it. I said, “Okay, let’s try this again…” She opened her little hand and along with a little bit of my help she did her best to carefully place each finger in the appropriate finger of the glove. Then I heard, “There!!!! I got it Grandma, now let’s go!!!” It is little things like this that speak things to my heart, and the Lord uses them to enhance a spiritual truth to me. This is what He showed me….
We too are just like that one finger left empty in the glove when we try so hard to do things apart from His help. Without the Lord helping us and moving through us by His Spirit we can be left motionless and without use apart from Him filling each and every aspect of our being. He desires to live and flow through us in every area of our life. This is His perfect will for us! Today I want you to remember that you are His very special vessel and He wants you to submit yourself to Him that He can breathe His life into every word you speak, every deed you do, and every circumstance you face today. Oh praise Him today for He wants to move through us and make us a vessel of honor for Him. Let us live and move and have our total being in Him!
Acts 17:28 (East To Read version)
“It is through him that we are able to live, to do
what we do, and to be who we are…”