by Dona Hake
The Lord desires that we stay mindful of the power of our words. Our tongue has the power to encourage, heal and build up. What a blessing we are when we seek to be used in such a way. Yet our words can cause hurt and pain if we are not keeping a guard on our thoughts which always come before the words are spoken.
Our words can encourage another’s heart so greatly that we could make someone feel like they are on a mountain top. Words are capable of building up and encouraging a a heart, and our words can also move mountains in our life if we dare to fill our hearts with faith and believe for mountains to move. There is also the very negative force that words can bring and that is to hinder the heart of someone because you have spoken from a heart of negativity. Negative words can tear down another’s heart and cause them to doubt themselves, and lose hope. I find it sad to know that our words could even destroy another’s dreams. Did you ever meet someone that is full of potential yet negative words from their past have frozen their steps from going forward into the purposes God has for them? There are those that go through life with negative “mountains” in their life because of negative words spoken over them. This is so sad, yet it should serve to remind us to keep our mouths shut when we are tempted to speak negative things to people.
Colossians 4:6 (AMP)
” Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as
it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to
answer anyone [who puts a question to you.”
” Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as
it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to
answer anyone [who puts a question to you.”
Today I encourage you to think about the words that proceed from your mouth. Think as well about the power of your words when your heart is filled with faith. The mountains that may be hindering your life can be moved as you speak words of faith. Father, help us to be mindful to speak words of faith and encouragement throughout our day. Remind us to keep our meditations sweet and pure in Your sight, and we ask that You would put a guard over our lips that our words would speak good and edifying things. In Jesus Name!