I can remember a particular time in my life when as a mother my heart was being tempted to fear and worry.The day came when our youngest son came to us and shared that he felt it to be the will of God that he serve his country. I wanted to support his decision, after all he was an adult and he was feeling a change of direction in his life. As time passed and it drew closer to him leaving for boot camp, my husband and I both experienced a peace and I thank God for that. I must admit though I still would be tempted to worry.
Whenever we ever encounter things for the first time it can be very challenging to our minds yet we must remind ourselves that it is God that knows our future and He desires that we put all our trust in Him. I knew in a matter of weeks our son would be done boot camp and from there he would be deployed to Iraq. There would be times I would battle with lack of focus because of the worry that was trying to grip my heart.
One day when I was somewhat preoccupied, I decided to go to the mall and pick up a few things. On my way into one store I passed some wall hangings and there were all of these pictures with encouraging words. One of them seemed to jump right off the shelf and catch my eye.
“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”
These words spoke volumes to my heart and I just had to have it. I brought it home and hung it and read it often. I cannot tell you how many days I would read that and it would remind me to concern myself only with the day I was living in. I was reminded not to wonder what was in my tomorrow but to let it in the hands of God. I am still amazed how quickly his time serving his country went.
To this day that sign hangs in our home and it continues to minister to my heart. I can testify that God’s hand was on our son everyday that he has been gone whether he was on American soil, Iraq or Afghanistan. Living by faith is truly entrusting ourselves to Him and entrusting our future to Him. Don’t worry about tomorrow but place tomorrow into His hands. I encourage you today that if your heart is fretting about your future…just stop…and give it to Jesus. God bless you as you serve Him today and know that He has all of your tomorrows in His hands.