I shot a wedding a couple years ago, and I can remember like yesterday what happened with a brand new flash card I used to shoot with. I went to download my images and my computer quickly exhibited a message that put me in shock…”your data has failed and cannot be recovered.” I sat in front of my computer and literally in seconds became sick to my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up because I could not believe it was happening. There were about 300 images on this particular card, and all were very iconic moments.
I immediately contacted someone knowledgeable about the issue and he felt there was the possibility of them being restored. I had to wait two very long days to find out. I can still remember sitting at the photo lab waiting to see if their program could restore all of the images. Even though there was hope I still felt sickened over the whole thing. My thoughts were going round and round. “How am I going to tell this bride and groom that the memories of their special day were gone?” As the program was doing the restoration process, I began to see all of my images one by one appear and I cannot begin to tell you the relief I experienced. May I say that I gained a very new appreciation for the word RESTORED!
Things like this can just really take it out of you. There are times in life in which we have all experienced very upsetting trials and problems. Maybe you have also experienced one thing hitting you right after the other. It seems like no sooner you deal with one problem another one pops up it’s ugly head. Many times you can become weary in what this life throws at you and you feel that there is no rest. Life can feel like ocean waves knocking you down one right after the other but you just know that if you are able to stand long enough you will be able catch your breath again. Sometimes life can make us feel this way. Today let this scripture remind you that the restoring and refreshing touch from our Lord will help us catch our breath and invigorate our souls.
Psalm 23:3 (The Message)
True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.
Even thought this is a modern day translation of “He restoreth my soul”, I love what this translation speaks as well. Today I encourage you to look to Him to bring fresh direction when there seems to be no direction. Allow Him to pick up back up and bring restoration to your total being and new strength to you as you walk with Him!