Saturday, April 18, 2020

Devotional 4/18/20   
“Joy Will Conquer Anxiety”
“Anxious fear brings depression, but a
life-giving word of encouragement can
do wonders to restore joy to the heart.”
Proverbs 12:25 – TPT
A side note in the translation here is:
This insightful proverb can also be translated
“Stop worrying! Think instead of what
brings you gladness. “. Our focus must
never be on what we can’t change
but on the everlasting joy we have in Christ.
Sometimes we have to find the life-giving
word of encouragement rising up in
our own hearts. This is the secret of
finding finding perpetual
encouragement by the Word
that lives in us.”
In this trying time that we are all walking through we need constant reminders that the joy of the Lord is our strength.   It is also our strength to give!   I see it all over the place…people are weary, and they are confused.  Anxiety can be a temptation and it will be a strong weight to the  heart.  It will most certainly suppress joy, and fear will begin to take root.  
I encourage you today especially in this time where there is much fear and anxiety around us… Look closely and seek out opportunities to recognize fear, and be that vessel that brings hope, light and joy to someone that needs it. Seek the Lord’s leading to those that need the salt and light within you. It is hard to see frowning faces with the natural eye now with so many behind face masks. Know this… God is able to cause us to see and give His life, love and joy in Jesus Name!