Devotional for Saturday, February 24, 2018
“Our God Is So Wise”

by Dona Hake
Psalm 139:1-6 The Voice
For the worship leader. A song of David.
“O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am;
You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.
Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking.
You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming,
and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.
You know what I’m going to say long before I say it.
It is true, Eternal One, that You know everything and everyone.
You have surrounded me on every side, behind me and before me,
and You have placed Your hand gently on my shoulder.
It is the most amazing feeling to know how deeply You know me, inside and out;
the realization of it is so great that I cannot comprehend it.”
You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.
Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking.
You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming,
and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.
You know what I’m going to say long before I say it.
It is true, Eternal One, that You know everything and everyone.
You have surrounded me on every side, behind me and before me,
and You have placed Your hand gently on my shoulder.
It is the most amazing feeling to know how deeply You know me, inside and out;
the realization of it is so great that I cannot comprehend it.”
This beautiful portion of scripture shows His precious love surrounds us and He knows every detail about us. What a thought! What blessed assurance we can hold fast to in knowing that we can serve a God that totally understands us inside and out. Even before words leave our mouth He knows what we are going to say. There is no escaping His loving knowledge about us.
The Amplified version says in verse three “You sift and search out my path.” I love this because it gave me the visual of using a sifter to catch that which you do not want in the mix. As we remain humble before Him there is freedom in knowing that He knows the things within us that will hinder us. He understands how sometimes we do not understand all that is at work within us, and in His love He will reveal it so we can deal with it. He will help us to cast off that which is not good. He will reveal to us that which we need to rid and repent of. There is protection in knowing that He sees everything before us and behind us.
As we start our day let us remind ourselves to allow Him to search our hearts and speak to us. We should be amazed at what an awesome God we serve. This is a thought that should keep us humble before Him in every area of our life. As we do this, we will live in peace and freedom as we serve our all knowing God.