Devotional for Saturday, January 5, 2019

by Dona Hake
“The Eternal One will never leave you; He will lead you in the way that you should go. When you feel dried up and worthless, God will nourish you and give you strength. And you will grow like a garden lovingly tended; you will be like a spring whose water never runs out.”Isaiah 58:11 The Voice Translation
When we do our part, He will be faithful to do His. Our part is simply to be obedient, love Him with all of our hearts, and remain humble as we abide under His wonderful shadow. My friend, we are “the cared for”. Because He takes care of us we will be that well watered and nurtured garden that Isaiah spoke of. Keep an awareness in your heart of His watchful eye over you. Turn your face towards Him as much as you possibly can today. He seeks to show you His love, and whisper His gentle words and ways in your ear. He will speak to your spirit in ways you could ever dream of!
If the soil of your heart is a bit dry today, look to Him to saturate you with all that He is. Receive His immeasurable grace for your day for it is sufficient for everything you will be facing.