“The sheep that are My own hear and are listening
“My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately,
and they follow Me.” (The Voice)
The word know defined is to be able to distinguish, as one from another. The Lord desires that we KNOW Him and KNOW His voice! He desires that we are seeking to discern the voices of this world, the voice of our mind, our enemy’s voice, but most importantly He desires that we discern His voice. When we hear the Word of our Lord, and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt it is Him, let us expect Him to lead us by that precious Word!
Today I ask you… are you listening to hear if He is calling your name? Have you felt a gentle tug on your heart, and you are wondering if it is His voice? Let us learn to listen and recognize His precious voice and leading in our lives. Today I desire to encourage your heart to be listening closely for Him. Many times His voice is loud and clear and many times it is a mere whisper. Be quick to recognize it and respond. God truly desires this intimacy with us as we heed to His Words and walk willingly along side of Him as He gently leads us.