- Aug 19, 2018“The Power of Praise”
- Aug 19, 2018“The Healing Annointing”
- Aug 12, 2018“Recovered from Satan’s Snare”
Aug 12, 2018“Recovered from Satan’s Snare”By: Pastor Bill HakeToday our text was from 1 Timothy 2:24SUMMARY:* It is vitally important that we understand that the devil will seek to deceive us and lead us into the very snare that brought him down.* We received wisdom in this teaching how to correctly communicate with people. We cannot try and make people see what we want them to see just because we embrace a particular truth. Arguing is not God’s way of leading people to the truth.* Beware, when you oppose truth, the devil will be able to manipulate and use you as he wills. Even the believer can be manipulated by the devil if he is not watching over his soul, and keeping his heart with all diligence.* The Lord is instructing us here how to handle, react, etc., to those that oppose themselves, and those that have set themselves totally against God.* True freedom will always come as we give up our thoughts for His. This is the humility we need to walk in, and as we do we will walk in repentance as we acknowledge the truth of God‘s Holy Word.
- Aug 12, 2018“The Gift of Faith”
Aug 12, 2018“The Gift of Faith”By: Pastor Bill HakeSUMMARY:Today we learned that God‘s miracles are always for His purposes. In 1 Kings 17 Elisha operated in the gift of faith and proclaimed that there would be no dew or rain as he took authority over the elements.* We learned from Elijah's life that for God to do greater works in us, there must be a deeper work done within us.* God took Elijah to complete helplessness in order for him to be humbled, and come to a complete trust in God for every one of his needs.* God told Elijah to hide himself. This is an example to us that God’s hiding is His preparation in us to blossom in His will.* Elisha was then sent into the refining fire (a place called Zeraphath) God was going after his pride. Pride will always keep us out of the perfect will of our Lord, and our loving God will deal with our hearts as we permit Him to.* Elijah learned to rise to God’s level that he could be used in the miraculous. This lesson can help us to grow in the revelation of how God desires to do the miraculous in our lives for His glory and purposes. There is power in simple obedience and humility that God's will may be done in us.
- Aug 5, 2018“Power to Become”
- Aug 5, 2018“Power, Gifts, and Purpose Part 3”
Aug 5, 2018“Power, Gifts, and Purpose Part 3”By: Pastor Bill HakeTeaching Service by Pastor Bill Hake
- Jul 22, 2018“The Prince Is Judged- The King Is Exalted”
Jul 22, 2018“The Prince Is Judged- The King Is Exalted”By: Pastor Bill HakeWorship Service by Pastor Bill Hake
- Jul 22, 2018“Power, Gifts, and Purpose, Part 2”
Jul 22, 2018“Power, Gifts, and Purpose, Part 2”By: Pastor Bill HakeToday Pastor Bill shared how God will do miracles to fulfill His purposes as we pursue to walk out His perfect will that He has assigned us. When we understand the purposes of God in our life then we can release faith and expect God to bring them to pass. When we have an understanding of His promises, we have a basis upon which to stand in faith. This message will encourage your heart as Pastor Bill shares about the Lord our God that desires to move heaven and earth to bring His will to pass in our life that you may bring glory to Him!
- Jul 15, 2018“Deliver Us from Evil”
- Jul 15, 2018“Power, Gifts, and Purpose”
- Jul 8, 2018“Worship Service”
- Jul 8, 2018“Teaching Service”
- Oct 14, 2017Men’s Meeting
- Sep 12, 2015The Plan of God Part 2 (Men’s Retreat)
Sep 12, 2015The Plan of God Part 2 (Men’s Retreat)By: Pastor Bill HakeMen's Retreat 2015Pastor BillSaturday afternoon