by Dona Hake
You can eat the healthiest of foods to keep your body strong. You can buy the most expensive clothing from top clothing lines. Ladies can put on makeup till they miraculously transform the outward. Gold and silver jewelry can be worn. All these things can be done and one can look so fashionable and beautiful yet one’s soul could possibly be mean and hateful. From the inside out an individual may be thinking thoughts that are not worthy and then they speak those words and hurt those around them. Yet, all the while they look at ease and perfect on the outside. Yes, this is the world in which we live.
Proverbs 11:17 (TLB)
“Your own soul is nourished when
you are kind, it is destroyed when you are cruel.”
Another translation puts it this way “… but the man without pity hurts himself.” I could not help but think of times we see images of starving children and adults. Hunger is so sad, and starvation will kill, yet there are people dying from the inside out because they do not understand how to love.
I believe the Lord really wants us not only to show kindness but we need to truly see the root cause of one’s desire to be unkind. The Word says that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. I pray that it never cease in me. It is only as we look to Him that we can do His kindnesses to others. Today, I want to think about how powerful one simple act of kindness can be. Your simple act of kindness may be exactly what someone may need to get through another day. God is good and He is kind. Let us live by His example.
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