by Dona Hake
Today I heard a gentleman says this and I found it interesting.
“Don’t believe everything you think.”
Simple yet profound. Of course we all have the right to our own thoughts and opinions but they may not be worthy of believing or speaking. If we do not keep ourselves humble, we can think that all that goes on between our ears is right. If we do not keep our thoughts in check with what the Word of God says, it will not be long that our thoughts become opinions or actions that could cause us some big trouble.
We would keep ourselves guarded well if we would vow to live by what the Word says about maintaining our thought realm. In 2 Corinthians, Paul said if your thoughts exalt themselves against the knowledge of God…get rid of them! Such words are not worthy to keep residence in your mind and you clearly cannot trust them nor believe them.
2 Corinthians 10:5 (ERV) “…and we tear down every proud idea that raises
itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture
every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.”
The secret to tearing down proud ideas and thoughts that are bad are KNOWING what God’s Word says about your situation. As we stay full of His Word we can look to the Lord and ask Him to help us to rightly discern our thoughts. Those thoughts that are not worthy of residing in your mind will quickly leave as you replace your thoughts with His. This reminds me of how it is so vitally important that we be in tune with Him and know that we are totally immersed in His Word and His peace. The mind that is full of His Word and peace is the guarded mind.
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