“Taking Every Though Captive”

take every thought captive dec 2014
by Dona Hake
I can remember last year an individual sharing an image of a church sign that they saw.   This was on Facebook, so it was open for comments and opinions, and boy did this image get some heat!   The church sign said…“We need to get rid of some of our knowledge so we can make room for belief.” There was a lot of  carnal reaction to this quote, and it was due to people trying to understand it apart from spiritual understanding.
You see, there are people that exalt their knowledge and opinions above everything, even the Word of God. I have heard of individuals that exclaim that they have no need for God. This is so sad to think that they are living and being guiding by their knowledge and philosophies, and living in their own ability. Today I would like to share a scripture with you along with this quote.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (AMP)

” [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)…”

We live in a day in which information and knowledge are quickly accessed. This can be an excellent tool but let us be ever so careful that we do not trust in information and knowledge above what the Word of God says about any given situation that we are facing. I can remember a very long time ago talking with an individual in the medical profession. This individual loves the Lord yet she shared that sometimes the knowledge of the medical field can actually stand in the way of her  faith at times. Sometimes that which we know and understand in the natural can hinder us from believing in that which we do not see.


If someone tells you that there is no hope for your situation because of this, that, and the other…what are you going to believe? God’s Word is the highest authority for EVERY SITUATION, and as we choose to keep it in our hearts as such, we will surely be more than overcomers. I encourage you today to seek Him to help you identify wrong thinking and attitudes that would serve to keep you from thinking His thoughts, and believing before seeing. Look to Him to help you take each and every thought captive, and keep your eyes on the true knowledge of God which is His Word.