by Dona Hake
“Bloom where you are planted.”
I can remember hearing this quote seventeen years ago. An amazing gentleman from North Wales came to minister at our church. His name was Arthur Burt, and I am forever grateful in my heart that I had the opportunity of knowing this man of such wisdom. His little and big tidbits of wisdom always caused me to stop and ponder my own heart and challenge me to grow deeper in the Lord.
This is one of those quotes that should encourage our heart to think about where we are and what we are doing while we are in that particular place. When a flower is in bloom it is in a time of flourishing, healthy condition. It is the time or period of great beauty, and artistry. The image that I am sharing today is of a little Hydrangea that I had transplanted. I have ivy nearby that started to overtake the area I planted this sweet little plant and I totally forgot about it. One day, I walked out and saw this beautiful little bloom doing it’s best to show off for me! Even though it was not in the best conditions to flourish, it managed to do so, and it has been beautiful ever since.
Sometimes we can encounter situations where we are, and it can cause us discouragement or weariness. It can tempt us with thoughts of questioning if we should be doing what we are doing. We may feel tempted to feel unappreciated or our work is going unnoticed. Let us remember that as we know we are in God’s will that we do all as unto Him. Whether we are appreciated or not can make no difference in or hearts. The important thing is to know that we are where God wants us to be. May we remember the importance of standing strong in the midst of adversity, and simply seize every opportunity to bloom!
Today I encourage you to bloom where God has planted and positioned you. Never underestimate the place He has put you to do His good work. Also, we should never compare ourselves to others and the work the Lord is doing in them. As we are faithful to remain and allow His loving hand to keep us, and take care of us, we will indeed bloom where we are planted!