by Dona Hake
“Look at the lilies! They don’t toil and spin, and yet Solomon in all his glory was not robed as well as they are. And if God provides clothing for the flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, don’t you suppose that he will provide clothing for you, you doubters?”
This scripture reminds us of God’s loving care and how He watches over us. He is there to provide for us all that we need in any particular time. This is the time of the year that we are pondering how our hearts should be giving thanks. As Thanksgiving approaches I encourage you to ponder the blessings in your life. Think about how He has so faithfully provided for you every day. Maybe it is not in ways you expected, but we can count on it….He is faithful and He will provide!
Think about it…. When you need wisdom…The Lord will provide. When you need strength…The Lord will provide. When you need direction…The Lord will provide. Think about all you may need and then begin to become strong in your faith that the Lord will provide! God is good all the time…all the time God is good, and He knows all that you need!