by Dona Hake
Today I want to share about walking with Him and holding his hand. This requires our effort because many times we desire that He walk with us yet we break the hold and run off like a little child because something in this life has distracted us. Aren’t you glad to know that the God of Heaven and Earth desires to walk with you and hold your hand?
Even though we may feel we are all grown up in this world in which we live, we must remind ourselves that we do not always see the dangers ahead as our Lord foresees. It is of utmost importance that we purpose to hold the loving hand that desires to embrace ours. There may also be times that He too may see need to speak firmly to His by His Word because you are wanting to go your own way.
I once passed by a sign that a church keeps a little quote to provoke a spiritual truth. It said:
“The closer I walk with Him,
there’s less of a chance
that anything come between us.”
Today I encourage you to hold His hand tightly and allow no distance between you and Him. Know that there are many things in this world that are trying to take your attention from Him. These things tend to tempt us and will ultimately weaken your relationship with Him. Be vigilant to watch over your soul and hold His hand and keep your eyes on Him because He never takes His eyes off of you!