by Dona Hake
Psalm 23:3 (VOICE)
“He makes me whole again,
steering me off worn, hard paths
to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.”
“He makes me whole again,
steering me off worn, hard paths
to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.”
He lovingly steers us away from worn, hard paths yet how many times do we
return to them. Those worn, hard paths could be habits and patterns in our lives
that have ultimately gotten us in trouble. Those worn paths are those that have
developed because of doing the same thing over and over again. God is calling
us to allow Him to step in and guide us on the paths of His desire for us.
return to them. Those worn, hard paths could be habits and patterns in our lives
that have ultimately gotten us in trouble. Those worn paths are those that have
developed because of doing the same thing over and over again. God is calling
us to allow Him to step in and guide us on the paths of His desire for us.
He is calling us to get out of the “ruts” in our lives.
Maybe you have walked the path of a habitual worrier. Maybe your worn, hard
path has been one of constantly walking in fear and anxiety over your
future. Regardless of what it is we can make the choice to walk on the path that
is guided by His hand. His hand deals only in truth and right things. His path
does not make provision for us to walk in our own ability but rather draw upon His.
path has been one of constantly walking in fear and anxiety over your
future. Regardless of what it is we can make the choice to walk on the path that
is guided by His hand. His hand deals only in truth and right things. His path
does not make provision for us to walk in our own ability but rather draw upon His.
God’s Word, His voice, counsel, wisdom, and the leading of His Holy Spirit is our compass in
this life. Let us look to His way, His paths, and we can live a life that is
blessed because when we walk hand in hand with Him. May our paths be
blessed because when we walk hand in hand with Him. May our paths be
paths that echoes His loving Name, and may they be
a testimony of His love and goodness to everyone around you!