There will be things around us from day to day that will tempt us to walk out from His shelter. Many times people may choose anxiety over peace or bitterness over love, etc. This is only a few of the many choices we can make that can rob us from the shelter He has provided. Remember, His shelter is our refuge. Next time you are tempted to get upset, instead of dwelling on the one who upset you or the circumstance, choose rather to run to Him for help, and refuge from the problem.
Psalm 91:1 (GW)
“Whoever lives under the shelter of the Most High
will remain in the shadow of the Almighty.”
In our home, my husband and I have lived by a rule since the day we married. We will do whatever it takes to maintain peace in our home. We value the peace in our home and in our hearts. We never leave each other with things unresolved, and we purpose to continue doing this. This is also a truth we imparted to our sons. No one went to bed until we knew there was peace in our hearts. No matter how long it took, we talked until it is resolved.
“”When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath
(your exasperation, your fury or indignation)
last until the sun goes down.”
Ephesians 4:26
You see, God well knows our human nature, and that there will be times that we can heed to anger, but the warning here is to deal with it and resolve it. Do not go to sleep with anger in your heart for when you awaken it will be there, and you will surely carry it with you throughout a new day. This is not God’s plan for you! God wants us to live in a place of peace in our hearts as well as in our homes, and those around us.
Today I just want to encourage you to value the wonderful blessing of Him providing a place for you to dwell. Do not allow the negative things of this life to pull you from that place of love, peace, and protection that He has so abundantly blessed you with. For every problem we have, He has a solution. All we need to do is remain in His presence, look to Him, and He will be your helper, and all that you need to keep you there.