by Dona Hake
Time is a gift to all of us, and we must use it wisely. I hear people say it all the time, “Time flies…” Wow! Some days I wonder where the day has gone, and I think even now that we are half way through February already!
I recently saw something that was shared on social media that I thought was thought provoking about time. This young lady was 37 years old and she has decided to return to school. It is a University of Western Sydney in Australia, and it was a three hour work shop for mature age students returning to learning. She shared a shot of what was on the overhead screen, and it was about time. This is what it said:
*We all get 24 hours a day
*It does not matter how rich, how smart or otherwise. Nobody gets more time in a day, week or semester than anyone else.
*No one can make more time
*We can only use it wisely or waist it
*Even the most intelligent student can fail at this University if they do not manage their time well.
I think this is a wonderful bit of wisdom for anyone and any age. As I meditated upon sharing this with you today, there were three words on my heart that I want us to ponder. They are grace, choices, and wisdom.
It is true that all of us have the same amount of time, yet each of us have totally different demands on the “plates” of our life. I know in my life that different seasons seemed more demanding, and there were seasons in which those demands could have brought me great stress. As I look back on a particular time I still cannot believe that I was able to swing the schedule I had along with raising two young sons at the time. It simply was God’s grace and the instruction of His wisdom in my life. I simply want to share with you that there may be times in which our days may seem impossible but know this…God’s grace is sufficient to help us deal wisely with every demand. His wisdom will enable us to do exactly the right thing at the right time. Lastly I want to share about our choices with what we do with our time. Let us look at the scripture from Ephesians 5:16 …
“…making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil.”
In the realm of our choices may we be reminded that wrong choices with our time will cause our time to slip away. Once it is gone, it is gone. We cannot wish it back nor can we buy it back. That time is gone. If we waste time, many times we really do pay for it. Wasted time can cause small demands that need accomplished to seem impossible. If you have ever tried to hold sand in your hands, you will find it almost impossible for it slips away quickly, and this is how time is as well. My friends, time really does go quickly, and we must use wise choices over every minute of our day knowing that we are honoring Him with all of our time. May you recognize today the value and blessing of each and every minute that He has given you. Enjoy your life, make the most of your time, and bless the Lord with every opportunity that life brings to you!!