by Dona Hake
I found an interesting quote today in one of my prayer books.
“I have learned to thank God for answering some of my
prayers with “no” or “not now.”
Sometimes we may be interpreting our prayers as unanswered when God really is at work, but at His time and pace. When I read this I immediately began to think how we are so used to getting everything fast. You ride through the drive through window to buy your lunch, and no sooner you pay there is a bag in your hand. I have literally had my salads all but upside down in my bag because they were thrown into the bag for speed sake. Nothing like ordering a salad, and they worked so hard to get it to you so fast that they put no utensils in the bag. In the name of *instant* and *I want it right now!* things can suffer at times.
In the society of everything going quick and instant I find more impatience than ever. On and on I could go about how our expectations of timing can be off in areas in which we just need to patiently wait for God to move in our lives as He wills.
May we never feel that everything we pray about has to arrive from Heaven instantly. The Lord has a perfect timing for everything under the sun and as we live to obey and respect His will, we also will learn to abide by His timing.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (CEB)
” There’s a season for everything
and a time for every matter under the heavens…”
I encourage you today to ask Him for continued enlightenment regarding His timing and His ways in your life. Many times it is the waiting in our journey that we really do learn valuable lessons that never could have been learned without what we may be perceiving as delay. God is good and He is all knowing about everything, and His timing is ALWAYS correct!!!