by Dona Hake
Today I will share with you about living with a clear and undisturbed mind. Jesus said He would give us a peace that is not like what the world gives. This peace does not come from perfect circumstances, the view of a beautiful mountainside or a walk along the beach. While these things can calm us down and bring rest to our bodies, we must still take hold and guard the peace that will restore our souls.
Psalm 23:3 Expanded Bible
” He ·gives me new strength [ renews my soul].
He leads me on paths that are ·right [righteous; or straight]
for the ·good [sake] of his ·name [reputation].”
” He ·gives me new strength [ renews my soul].
He leads me on paths that are ·right [righteous; or straight]
for the ·good [sake] of his ·name [reputation].”
Each day we must turn our eyes and souls upon Him that we can receive strength and renewal. No one can do this for us. We have our part to play, and we must be diligent to do it. You see, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ we must continue to grow in understanding in all things that we have learned and accepted in the Word of God. Okay, I am going to emphasize seven words in the previous sentence. ~We must continue to grow in understanding~ These words play a vital part in walking in peace and in His strength.
We must continue in His Word, and permit it to correct our thinking, and strengthen our faith. If we do not understand what is going on in our life, then we need to seek Him for that understanding. His Word says that He gives us ALL things that pertain to life and godliness. Hearing and living in the Word of God is not like a child learning to use a spoon to eat or learning to ride a bicycle. You can agree that once one learns to do these things that we do not have to find a better way to do them. The Word of God in our hearts must be heard over and over. We must have a pursuit in our hearts to go deeper and deeper, and refuse to become passive in our faith. Our hearts must listen to Him intently, and we must do the Word even when we do not feel like it. We must be patient when we think we cannot stand another minute of a trial. Every thing that has to do with our Lord has no end because He is eternal. Therefore, let us purpose in our hearts to go deeper and deeper in understanding the simplest of truths.
Many times we as believers may be lacking in peace simply because we are not returning to His Word and prayer, and keeping ourselves built up in the foundations of our faith. These are the things that are going to keep us constant in our faith, and we will then enjoy our minds being constant in His peace. As we return to Him in prayer each day may we permit His loving hand to refresh and restore our souls. Do not try to live on yesterday’s strength, and do not even try to carry that thing that seems to be a small burden. Even small things will pull and tug at our hearts, and eventually take our peace away.
When I was reading Psalm 23:3 I find it interesting that Him restoring my soul and leading me in His good paths go hand in hand. You see, if we are not restored, refreshed and permeated in His peace, we will find it difficult to walk the direction He is desiring to take us.
Lord, we thank You this day for that refreshing that only comes from Your hand. We ask You to touch our souls and renew them with great strength to meet our day and it’s demands. As we are refreshed, we thank You that we are indeed able to clearly hear Your voice. Thank You Lord for helping us to grow more and more in our understanding of the foundations of our faith. In Jesus Name. Amen.