Devotional 4/16/20
“His Teachings Make Us Joyful”

“God’s Word is perfect in every way; how it revives our souls! His laws lead us to truth, and his ways change the simple into wise. His teachings make us joyful and radiate his light; his precepts are so pure! His commands, how they challenge us to keep close to his heart! The revelation-light of his word makes my spirit shine radiant.”
Psalm 19:7-8 The Passion Translation
Psalm 19:7-8 The Passion Translation
Today we continue looking at the word ~joy~, and oh how I love this scripture! Every day our souls need to be revived, and restored by Him. He desires that we have no want for He is the Good Shepherd that seeks to restore our souls. His teachings promise to bring joy to our hearts!
We as the sheep of His pasture need to constantly recognize our need of Him to lead us to the truth THAT WE ARE IN NEED OF in every matter. Oh that we guard our hearts that we never become wise in our own eyes.
I encourage you to continually seek His Word, and dare to ask Him to continue to keep your heart challenged that you not sink into a comfort zone. It is then that His revelation light will make you radiantly shine for Him and walk in joy!