Devotional 4/2/20
“Drinking From His Still Waters”

by Dona Hake
In many parts of this big beautiful world we have witnessed things being brought to a screeching halt. The effects of the Coronavirus have abruptly changed our schedules that we once experienced and called normalcy. There are various fears and anxieties that many are dealing with today. In the midst of so much coming to a standstill, the anxiety of all of this could tempt any one of us with apprehension and wondering what we will hear next on the news.
Let us look at Psalm 23 today as we continue looking at the word ~drink~. As I was meditating upon this word for you today my thoughts went to the word stillness and what that word meant.
For many years I have observed a particular parking lot of a restaurant that we love to go to. It is one of those parking lots that is so busy that you need to be extra careful driving through it. Now it sits eerily still, quiet and empty. This particular type of stillness is bringing anxiety to many. Today I want you to ponder in your heart that we need to know what His stillness is in the midst of all that is happening .
Many years ago I studied Psalm 23 and I read from a wonderful book by Philip Keller entitled “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23”. He stated how sheep must be led to the waters of drinking. Only the shepherd knew where the best watering places were because thirsty sheep would drink from a mud hole because they did not know better. A good shepherd desires only pure water for his sheep. He also understands that moving water will frighten a sheep. It must be water that is calm and still.
“He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside
streams of refreshing water. He soothes
my fears;…” Psalm 23:2 – The Voice
“He offers a resting place for me in his
luxurious love. His tracks take me to
an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life.
He opens before me pathways to God’s
pleasure and leads me along in his
footsteps of righteousness so that I can
bring honor to his name.”
Psalm 23:2-3 The Passion Translation
Our Lord knows how to lead us to that still and pure drinking place where we will be safe and drink from the water that will restore our souls.
It is there that we need
to drink deeply!
Today I encourage you to be still and know that He is God. Follow His footsteps to that place where He wants you to drink deeply. He desires that your heart find true peace, and true direction for your life at this time.
“To know you is to experience a flowing fountain,
drinking in your life, springing up to satisfy.
In your light we receive the light of revelation.
Lord, keep pouring out your unfailing
love on those who are near you. Release
more of your blessings to those who are loyal to you.”
Psalm 36:9-10 The Passion Translation
Psalm 36:9-10 The Passion Translation