Devotional 4/23/20
“His Love Is Our Guard”

by Dona Hake
We will continue today meditating on Scripture that draws our attention to the word ~guard~. Let us read Psalm 61, a song by King David.
We will continue today meditating on Scripture that draws our attention to the word ~guard~. Let us read Psalm 61, a song by King David.
“Listen to my heart’s cry. For no matter where I am,
even when I’m far from home, I will cry out
to you for a father’s help. When I’m feeble and
overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory,
where I am safe and sheltered.
Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me.
You lift me high above the fray. None of my foes
can touch me when I’m held firmly in
your wrap-around presence!
Keep me in this glory. Let me live continually
Keep me in this glory. Let me live continually
under your splendor-shadow, hiding
my life in you forever.
Pause in His presence.
You have heard my sweet resolutions to
love and serve you, for I am your beloved.
And you have given me an inheritance of
rich treasures, which you give to all your lovers.
You treat me like a king, giving me a full
and abundant life, years and years of reigning,
like many generations rolled into one.
I will live enthroned with you forever!
Guard me, God, with your unending,
unfailing love. Let me live my days walking in grace
and truth before you. And my praises will fill
the heavens forever, fulfilling my vow to
make every day a love gift to you!”
Psalm 61:1-8 – The Passion Translation
Psalm 61:1-8 – The Passion Translation
I love how the Voice translation so beautifully translates verses 2 and 3. Let us read that.
“You are the One I will call when pushed
to the edge, when my heart is faint.
Shoulder me to the rock above me.
For You are my protection, an
impenetrable fortress from my enemies.”
Psalm 61:2-3 The Voice
Let us be honest, we have all faced those times where we have been pushed to the edge as life and it’s trials present us difficulties, frustration etc. I love how David exclaims that his God guarded him with His unending and unfailing love! We too can embrace this as a truth for ourselves. Today I encourage you to ponder how God is desiring to guard you with His unending and unfailing love. Let Him love you with His wrap-around presence!