Devotional for Thursday, April 5, 2018
“When All That We Need…”

“We mutter, we sputter,
We fume and we spurt.
We mumble and grumble-
Our feelings get hurt.
We can’t understand things-
Our vision gets dim,
When all that we need-
Is a moment with Him.”
We fume and we spurt.
We mumble and grumble-
Our feelings get hurt.
We can’t understand things-
Our vision gets dim,
When all that we need-
Is a moment with Him.”
Corrie ten Boom
I loved this poem written by this precious woman Corrie ten Boom. She truly understood what hardship was. She understood what it meant to wonder what was going to happen to her and her sister every moment of the day during imprisonment . You see living in a concentration camp Corrie learned to pray in the most hopeless of situations. She grew in her love for God, and those around her, and her many dark situations taught her to keep a thankful heart.
Many times we can be overcome with what is going on in the moment of our lives. And this poem gives us something to meditate upon that is very precious. In those moments of anxiety, confusion, or feelings getting hurt or it seems we do not understand things…it is in those moments we must make the decision to step into a moment with our Lord and simply pray.
“Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:6-7. Amp. Version
I love this translation for it exhorted my heart when I face moments of frustration or confusion, etc…to step out of that moment, and step into a moment with Him and simply cast my care and pray. It will be then that I not only seek answers to my problems but I need to stop and thank Him for what I do have. Many times our focus can become so strong on what is wrong in our lives, and we need to simply stop and give thanks to our Lord for all that we need is a moment with Him!