Devotional for Thursday, August 24, 2017
“God’s Divine Appointments!”

by Dona Hake
Have you ever ended up in a divine appointment and experienced the Lord using you in a way that you never dreamed of? Right now I am recalling in my heart one of my favorite scripture which is Ephesians 3:20. I will share it from the Amplified version…
Ephesians 3:20 (AMP)
“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,”
Now I will share a testimony that ties into being used by God in a superabundant way! I have shared this testimony before but it fits beautifully with today’s devotional. This is a story of courage and victory, and my heart was so touched when I heard it reported. It is about a coach and a young boy. From the first day this young coach met this thirteen year old boy he could see great potential in him.
It was time for their baseball practice and this young man was standing by his coach. Suddenly the coach fell face down on the ground. At first the thirteen year old boy thought the coach was just carrying on but he laid there for 30 seconds. The coach was a fun guy, and he liked to make people laugh. This time though this young man knew something was very wrong. He grabbed the coach’s cell phone and called 911 and they walked him through CPR. The interviewer asked the young man, “How did you stay calm and how did you not get upset that you could do such a thing as young as you are?” He basically exclaimed that he realized he had to stay focused and not permit himself to get upset. It was such a joy seeing these two sitting side-by-side. Because this young man was able to stay focused and calm, he was able to save his coach that was experiencing a heart attack.
This testimony really touched my heart. In the midst of the interview my favorite thing about it was when the coach said, “I believe that the Lord puts people in your life for a reason.” I look at this in another way as well and it goes along with the truth and scripture that I want to share with you today.
Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my shepherd.I will always
have everything I need.” ERV
The Lord desires to touch us in our time of need, and many times He will use others as vessels to manifest His help. Don’t you just love hearing about divine appointments such as these? I want to encourage you today to see the Lord as the Lord who takes care of you, and as we place our trust in Him as the Great Shepherd, He gives us the provision in our time of need. This young coach was given the Lord’s provision in the moment in which his life was at stake. This coach had in his presence a young man that dared to be courageous and pursue to save his life.
May we ponder our lives today and think about the times which the Lord’s provision was given to us exactly at the time we needed it. Whether it be something that is material or actually a person that was put in your path to speak the words that you needed to hear or perhaps your life had been spared because of another’s obedience at the right moment. Thank God we serve a God who takes care of all of our needs as we release our faith in Him every day !